Work in Progress: Painted Dog

I started a new work yesterday, based off a friend of mine's dog, Carville, who is some sort of catahoula / hound mix. I took some reference photos of Carville last time I was visiting with my friend and sketched a loose interpretation of him on my Pastelbord. This is what I have so far from working all day yesterday. I anticipate spending most of the day working on it today and hopefully should finish by tonight.... so look for photos in a day or two of the finished work.

Here are the reference photos I took of Carville. As you can see this is not a direct portrait of the dog but it is inspired by him. I decided to draw him because I liked his coat color and his head shape. His owner assures me the dog is not nearly as regal as this pose suggests.

Work in Progress: Painted Dog
24 x 18 inches
Oil Pastels and Acrylic on Pastelbord

These are cell phone images so not particularly good in terms of color or vibrancy but you can get the idea where the artwork is going. I also wanted to play up the pattern behind / below the dog in the photo from the rug, though I am using a different design pattern / color scheme.
