Latest Artwork: Augury Ex Avibus

The original artwork is currently listed for sale on my Etsy shop. Prints are available through my website's store page.
Early Romans used the practice of augury to divine the will of the gods. There were several different types of auguries, one of which, augury ex avibus, was the practice of divination by birds.
The auguries interpreted two aspects of birds in particular, their noise and flight pattern. Only certain birds were considered messengers of the gods, however. These included the eagle, the vulture, the crow, the raven, the owl, and the hen.
In this artwork, I used the Great Horned Owl as my augury subject.
This artwork was partially inspired by the English artist and designer William Morris , whose intricate work I admire.
Original artwork measures 12.6Ć16.7 inches. Mixed media (oil pastels, colored pencils, gold acrylic, metallic gold pencil and marker) on Canson paper.