Website Revamps
I just finished a complete website revamp of Well actually, I JUST got back from seeing The Residents (who were amazing) but before THAT I finished the revamp for the Lakeside Bears & Friends website. Textile artisan Mary Shelley (who just happens to be my mom ;)) features her thread crochet and needle-felted miniature Teddy Bear collectibles on the site. I added a new section for sales, as well as links to her eBay auctions.
For those involved in this niche textile community, thread crochet and needle felted teddy bear miniatures are highly sought after as collector's items amongst teddy bear enthusiasts or other crafters. These miniatures are usually under three inches tall and require thousands of tiny stitches to create. See some examples below.
I've also just about finished a site revamp for Philadelphia artist Anthony Visco (view his soon-to-be-erased old site here). I am just waiting on a few things before it goes live. In the meantime, I've got some logo work coming up, as well as a simple site for a local author, plus updates to other client sites.
I also started a couple of new artworks, including a Wolf Dragon and a Blue Heron. I hope to post some images soonish....