Artist Profile: Chu Enoki

Photo courtesy of Chu Enoki, Miyanomori Art Museum
The new Shift arts magazine was published online today and I wanted to point one of the articles on artist Chu Enoki. He's currently exhibiting in at Miyanomori Art Museum, Sapporo, from June 6, 2008 through July 27, 2008. So if you live in Japan, or are a artistically-interested jet-setter, do check it out.
Amongst other works )including a beautiful miniature city landscape created entirely from machine parts, drill bits and other metal shapes), Enoki has created entire artworks made out of gun parts. According to the article:
Humans invented weapons. And humans use them. Humans are really cleaver, but at the same time, humans are cruel and foolish. And humans are greedy. As a result, many people are killed today in the world. I created those gun works to express atrocious aspects of humanity. It’s not an antiwar piece.
I like paintings and drawings, but it’s not enough for me. I want to challenge myself further to see what I can really do. So I create those works. Plus, I used to be living close to an army base when I was a kid, and weapons were there in my ordinary life. I used to play war. I wanted to have guns, but I couldn’t. So I made guns from bamboo. They were fragile, so I wanted to grow up and have sturdy guns. Those memories were what partly motivated me.
Read the entire article here.
Some examples of his different artworks.